Q: Why is my magnesium cream "gritty"?

A: Our magnesium cream is one-of-a-kind, with slow release magnesium to maximize your muscle relaxation. The "gritty" feeling is additional magnesium that will seep into your skin over the following 5 minutes, providing you with additional relief.

Q: My cream changed consistencies. Is this OK?

A: YES! Due to temperature fluctuations, our creams may change consistency multiple times over the course of a year. We do not (and never will) use additive such as EDTA (an anti-coagulant often used in products). Since our ingredients are 100% natural, they melt or solidify much like coconut oil or butter in your house would! They are still safe to use and hold the same nourishing properties.

Q: There are pockets of liquid in my All Purpose Healing Balm! Is this ok?

A: YES! We use aloe and vitamin E in our healing balm, which leaves small "pools" of liquid within the balm. We call that liquid gold - enjoy!

Q: There are little flower particles or leafs in my All Purpose Healing Balm! Is this ok?

A: YES! We use calendula-infused oil and sometimes, a tiny leaf or petal squeaks through the filtration process. There is no harm!